The Holy Scriptures  

We believe that God, in a special way, has proved itself and has revealed to us in full, knowledge of their own that is necessary for man's salvation in the writings that make up what we call Holy Scripture or Bible (Isa .40:8; Heb.1 :1-2). We believe the Bible is the Word of God, written by men divinely inspired and therefore free from error in their original writings (2 Ped.1: 21; 2 Tim.3: 16). The books commonly called Apocrypha are not divinely inspired and are not therefore part of the canon of Scripture. We believe that the Bible has supreme authority in matters of faith and morals and that she herself is the infallible rule for your own interpretation. We do not give it any authority apart from Scripture, church tradition to call or alleged new revelations of the Spirit. Nothing has to be added or removed from the Holy Scriptures (Mat.5 :17-18, 24:35; Efe.2: 20; Apo.22: 18).  



We believe that there is one living and true God, Creator and Sustainer of all that exists, visible and invisible (Gen.1: 1; Dt.6: 4; Jer.10: 10; Jn.1 :1-3, 1 Thess .1:9; Heb.11: 3). We believe that God is spirit, which is invisible, immutable, sovereign, personal, eternal, which is perfect in righteousness and holiness, who hates sin and will not acquit the guilty, who is infinite in power, wisdom and mercy, that works all things after the counsel of His will for His own glory (Gen.17: 1; Exo.3: 14; 34:6-7; Sal.5 :5-6, 90:2; Isa.6: 3 ; Nah.1 :2-3; Mal.3: 6; Jn.4: 24; Rom.11: 36; 16:27; Efe.1: 11 1 Tim.1: 17; Stg.1: 17; 1 Jn.4: 8.16; Apo.4: 8). We believe in the unity of the Godhead eternally coexist three persons, namely, the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which are equal in substance and glory divine attributes (Mat.3 :16-17; 28:19; Jn.14 :16-17, 15:26, 2 Cor.13: 14).  



We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, eternally begotten by the Father from eternity and destined for our salvation (Jn.3: 16, Col.1 :15-17; Heb.1: 2 -5, 1 Ped.1 :18-20). We believe that Jesus Christ is true God, the very essence and nature as God the Father. The time had come was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin named Mary, and took on human nature by assuming the qualities of it, except that he was without sin, being so true man. Therefore concur in Jesus Christ two natures, divine and human, constituting one indivisible person now and for eternity (Luc.1: 27.35; Jn.1: 1.14, 10.30 14:9, Rom .9:5; Gal.4: 4; Fil.2 :6-7; col.2: 9; a Tim.3: 16; Heb.4: 15; a Jn.5: 20). We believe that Jesus Christ, sent by the Father, voluntarily obeyed at all until death (Sal.40 :7-8; Jn.10: 18; Gál.1: 4), was crucified, died and was buried (Fil.2 : 8). The third day rose bodily from the dead (Jn.20: 25.27; Hech.2: 32, 1 Cor.15: 3,4,20), ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father ( Luc.24: 51; Hech.1: 9; 2:33-36; Rom.8: 34; a Ped.3: 22) from where he shall come to judge the living and the dead (Mat.16: 27 , 25:31-33; Hech.1: 11; 10:42; Rom.14: 10; 2 Tim.4: 1). We believe that the death of Jesus on the cross was substitutionary and expiatory, ie, that took the place of man, carrying and atoning for his sin and guilt (Isa.53 :4-6; Jn.1: 29; Col.1 :21-22, 2:13-14, 1 Ped.3: 18). We believe that Jesus Christ makes intercession from heaven as the only Mediator between God and men (Rom.8: 34; a Tim.2 :3-5; Heb.7: 25).  


The Holy Spirit  

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is God, the same substance as the Father and the Son (Mat.3 :16-17, 28:19, Jn. 15:26; Hech.5: 3 -4; 2 Cor.13: 14). We believe that only through the Holy Spirit man can reach true knowledge of God through the understanding of His Word and the appropriation of the redemptive work of Christ (Jn.16 :8-11, 1 Cor.2 : 10). It is through the Holy Spirit that man is spiritually regenerated (Jn.3 :5-6, Titus 3:5). We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in the believer from the moment of his conversion, a seal and guarantee of his salvation, he sanctifies, it strengthens, comforts you and guides you (Jn.7 :37-39, 14:16-17 , 26, 16:13-14; Hech.2: 38; Rom.8: 9; a Cor.6: 19; Gal.4: 6; Efe.1: 13; 4:30; a Jn.2: 27 , 1 Cor.12 :12-13). We believe that the Holy Spirit baptizes every believer and linking it to Christ and his Church. The Holy Spirit, as well as the fruits of their own that gives believers, the Church enriches distributing supremely spiritual gifts to every believer through whom serve in fulfilling the mission entrusted by Christ to his Church (Hech.1: 8 , 1 Cor.12 :4-13; Gál.5 :22-23; Efe.4 :3-7; Mat.28 :19-20).  


Los Angeles  

We believe in the existence of spiritual beings created by God to serve called angels (Sal.91: 11; Dan.10: 13; Luc.2: 13; Heb.1: 14). We believe in the existence of Satan, an angel who rebelled against God, becoming a declared enemy of God and accuser of the redeemed (Job1 :6-12; Isa.14 :12-17; Mat.4 :2-11, 2 Cor.11 :14-15, 1 Ped.5: 8; Apo.20: 10). We believe in the existence of demons who follow Satan are organized into heavenly host of evil whose destiny is the lake of fire and brimstone to eternal damnation (Luc.4 :33-36; Efe.6 :10-20; Apo.20: 10).  



We believe that God created man male and female in His image and likeness (Gén.1 :26-27, 2:7). We believe that God endowed him with righteousness and knowledge to live according to His will, and that also made him free man can choose to obey or not the law of God (Gen.2 :16-17, 3:6; Ecl.7 : 29; Rom.2 :14-15). We believe that man Adam sinned by pretending to be equal to its Creator. For this sin the man degraded his image and likeness of God and broke communion with their Creator enjoyed, and so her being dead in sin (Gén.3; Efe.2: 1). We believe that sin and its temporal and eternal consequences spread to all mankind. It is for them that men are born sinners, prone to evil, unable by themselves to do the will of God and powerless to save himself by his own efforts (Sal.51: 5; Mat.15: 19; Rom.3: 10 - 18.23; 5:12,15-19; 6:23; 7:14,17-18, 1 Cor.15 :21-22, 45.49; Efe.2: 1, 2 Tes.1: 9) .  


The Salvation of Man  

We believe that God does not want the death of the man, but to repent and be saved and that is why God sent his Son into the world as a sacrificial offering for the salvation of man (Eze.18: 32; Jn.3: 16; 1 Tim.2: 4; Heb.10 :5-7). We believe that man, moved by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, needs to repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ, accepting and resting in him alone for salvation (Isa.1: 18, 55:7, Eze. 18:30,31; Joel 2:12-13; Jn.1: 12; Hech.2: 38, 16:31, 17:30). We believe that God justifies the man only through faith in Jesus Christ, that is, God will forgive their sin and believes and accepts as righteous, not on works of righteousness which man has made but only and solely on the basis of righteousness of Christ which he is charged through faith in him (Hech.13 :38-29; Rom.3 :21-28, 4:3-8; 5:1,17-19; 1 Cor.1 :30-31; 2 Cor.5: 19.21; Gál.2: 16; Efe.1: 7; 2:8-9; Fil.3: 9, Titus 3:5-7).  


We believe that God adopted as his son to every one that is justified by faith in Christ Jesus, receiving the Spirit of adoption and going to enjoy the privileges of the sons of God (Jn.1: 12; Rom.8: 14-17; Gál.4 :4-7; Efe.1: 5). We believe that God creates through the Holy Spirit a new nature in the heart of everyone who believes in Christ. We believe that the believer is sanctified by the power of death and resurrection of Christ, through His Word and the Holy Spirit that inhabits it, and being able to live according to God's will and overcome the instincts of the old nature ( Jn.17: 17; Rom.6 :1-14, 7:18 to 8:14, 2 Cor.5: 17; Gál.2: 20; 5:16-24, 2 Thess. 2:13). We believe that a true faith in Jesus Christ will be evident in good works which God has promised reward (Mat.16: 27, 25:34-36; Gál.5: 6; Efe.2 :8-10, Titus 2:14; Stg.2: 17,22,24,26). We believe in eternal security of salvation for all who believe in Christ Jesus (Jer.32 :39-40; Jn.10 :28-29, 1 Ped.1 :3-5, 9, 1 Jn.3: 9; 5:13). We believe in eternal damnation of those who refuse to believe in Christ Jesus (Jn.3: 36; 5:24).  


The Church: Its Nature  

We believe the Church is constituted by all those who have been saved through faith in Jesus Christ (Hech.2: 38,41,47; Heb.12: 23), and joined together by the same communion with God Trino. We believe the Church is one (1 Cor.12 :12-13; Efe.4 :3-6 ,15-16) and that his unit is based on the unity of the faith in a Saviour himself, but this unit does not mean uniformity of ceremonies or forms of worship, refers to the existence of a single organization visible. We believe the Church is holy in virtue of justice that has been attributed in Christ (Fil.3 :8-9; a Cor.1: 2) and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.6: 19 - 20). We believe the Church is universal because it includes all believers everywhere who confess Christ as Lord and Savior (Gál.3 :7-8). This universal church is manifested visibly in local church congregations made up of baptized believers under the New Testament teachings and united under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to worship God, spreading the gospel, exercising the gifts, rights and privileges granted by the Word of God, promote the building of its members and practice the ordinances of Christ (Mat.16 :18-19, 18:15-18; Hech.2: 42, 13:1, 16:19; Rom.16: 3-5; 1 Cor.16: 19; Gál.1: 2).  


The Church: Her Government  

We believe in local church autonomy to govern their own internal affairs under the direction of Christ, his only head, and following the teachings of the Holy Scriptures (Efe.1: 22, Col.1: 18). We believe in the priesthood of all believers, all of them without exception call as the gifts the Holy Spirit has given them (Rom.12 :4-8, 1 Cor.12; Efe.4: 7, 1 Pet. 2:5,9; Apo.1: 6). We believe the Lord Jesus Christ left two ordinances established to be observed by believers until he returns: Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Mat.28 :19-20, 1 Cor.11 :23-26).  


The Church: Its Ordinances  

We believe that baptism should be administered in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit only to those who have given public testimony of his repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ (Mar.16 :15-16; Acts .2:38,41, 8:36-37, 16:31-32, 18:8). We believe that baptism is a symbol of death and resurrection to new life of the believer with Christ (Rom.6 :3-6; Gál.3: 27; col.2: 12). We believe that the Holy Supper was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ in commemoration of his sacrificial death on the cross and that is a symbol of spiritual communion of believers with Jesus, the communion of believers with one another as members of His Body and Food spiritual Christ for the believer (Mat.26 :26-28; Jn.6 :53-58, 1 Cor.10 :16-17, 11:23-26). We believe that the sacrament should be celebrated with bread and wine, symbols of the body and blood of Christ, respectively, and based on the symbolism of it must involve only those who have truly believed in Christ for salvation (Hech.2: 46 , 1 Cor.11 :27-32, 12:13).  


Future Life  

We believe that with Christ, the kingdom of God came to this world and that this Kingdom will find its full and complete consummation of the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Mat.6: 5S; 13:24 ff; Jude 14; Hech.1: 6, 11; Mat.24: 30; Heb.9: 28; Apo.1: 7; 19:11). We believe in the visible return of our Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory, the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgement (Jn.14: 3, 1 Tes.4 :13-18; Dan.12: 2, 1 Cor. 15:12, 51-52, 2 Cor.5: 4; 1Tes.4: 16; Luc.14: 14; Apo.20 :11-15, 2 Ped.3: 7; Jn.5: 29). We believe in a new heaven and a new earth and the eternal Kingdom of God (Mat.24: 35; 2 Pe.3: 7, 1910-1912; Jn.5: 29; Isa 65:17, 2 Pe.3: 13, Rev.21 :1-22: 5).